jueves, 9 de marzo de 2017

ICT-enabled digital trasnformation of services.

The algorithmic revolution transforms all of our activities by automatizing the activities and services on our society.

The repositioning services to avoid commodization is about a solution to creating defensible positions in markets. Some firms go further and the shift their core businesses from selling products towards offering services such as Apple tat has the technology and an own software. The products by themselves can be transformed into services, portals to services and value domains.

Services spectrum.
  • Irreducible services - relies on humans.
  • Hybrid services - relies on a combination between humans and electronic tools.
  • Automated services - relies only on ICT or other technologies.
Why now and why so fast?

Because of the competitive pressure of the global digital world.
  • The application of ICT to existing service.
  • Introduction of new functionality and new possibilities.
As information is digitized, it can be stored, moved and manipulated allowing information-based activities to be relocated, transformed and recombined to take a whole new value.

Translation and Technology

The demand for translation services has increased over the past decades in all of the work areas and technology makes it possible to instantly analyze a huge amount of data, so we can have a more immediately result on our researches.

But for this, we need to understand that when is about translation and language
  1. Any tool that does not account for the special features of individual languages.
  2. Translation tools need to begin to accommodate the specific needs of particular language.
  3. Ttranslation tools are great to identify matches.


  • Document production activities - graphical or presentation softwares.
  • Information search and retrieval activities - dictionaries and/or glossaries.
  • Translation creation activities - computer/aided translation.
  • Communication activities - electronic mail.
  • Marketing and work procurement activities marketplaces for marketing and/or for work procurement.
  • Business management activities - spreadsheet packages and database packages.

Attitudes towards ICT

It is largely positive because the discussion and implication invest technology that would help improve the efficiency and productivity as translators, which were concerned to adopt software applications that aligned with the needs of their translation business.

UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers


martes, 28 de febrero de 2017

Process, performance drivers and ict tools in human resources mnagement

Redefined by Armstrong as a strategic integrated and coherent apporach to the employement, development and wel-being of the peoplw working in ornanizatinos, is an important thing on any organization. This way, we can find 6 key qualities of an HR Manager: 

To understand a little better what does an HR Manager do, I'm going to talk about my experience of work the past semester.

First of all, the HR Manager is in charge of receive all of the interviewers aspirants, to know them and talk to them and analyze their attiud and if what they say is true or not. Then they make en expeient with the information of the new recruits and hlp them to integrate in the company, by introducing them to the rest of the personal, both employees and other managers. Then, they help the new employers with a capacitation to make them learn the process of their job and in the middle, they try to motivate them as to make them feel one with the company.

This term is defined by kaplan as a description of peformance in Ballanced scorecards context, but also Grubny and Brown describes the permoformance analysis as ne of the methos for implementins HR estatregy. Performance drives can be divide into many categories depending on the organization they belong to.

The next model can help us to understand better what a Performance Driver does:

Effective use of ICT for education and learning

ICT has fundemantelly changed the practices and procedures of nearly all forms of endeavour, becoming a strong stone in education,  reading, writing and numeracy, which is also affecting teaching and learning process. Like it is something we have to be careful with, not only use them as a toy, but a tool.

ICT can provide curricular support and cntributes to icnrease the interaction and reception of information, helping students to develope their abilities from early years because nowadays, the new generations are constantly using them in schools, libraries and so, replacing books most of the times and helping them to be auto-learners because of the flexibility of the accesibility.

In lerning environment  ICT provides opportunities that we as students need about our environment and the motivation. No matter how good the ICT and the acces to them could be, if the environment and the motivation are not aproppiate, everything else would fail.

jueves, 23 de febrero de 2017

General ICT translators

The internet allows us to access to a huge quantity of data and publications of all around the world and also from all of the times. One of the most important tools offered are the search and location information engines, as we can find in Google and all of its tools.

Corpus linguistics is the study of language as expressed in samples of "real world" textand there exist two of them: monolingual copora and bilingual corpora. THis last one can be divided in parallel corpus and comparable corpus.

The concordance generator programs are:

Machine translation: prodecure whereby a computer promgram analyzes a source text and produces a target tect without further human intervention.

Computer assited translation: a human translatios creats a tarfet text with the assustance of a computer promgram.

Main phases of the translation process:
  • Reception.
  • Transfer.
  • Formulation.

The new ICT and translation competences

To be a complet translator it is necessary to be able to use the computer and its featues that offers to us, it means be competent in computer knowledge.

The term translation competence was first used by Toury because of it's similarity to Chomsky's clasifictaion o linguistic knowledge. Translation competence is the ability to carry out the transfer process from the comprehension of the source text to the reexpression of the target text, which means it is needed for us to truly understand both of the languages we are working with, the techincisms, grammar and so.

Model of translation competence:

  1. Expert knowledghe.
  2. Procedural knowledge.
  3. Interrelated subcompetences.
  4. Strategic component.

5 subcompetences:
  1. Bilingual: underlying systems of knowledge and skills that are beeded for linguitis comunication.
  2. Extra-linguistic: is made up of encyclupedi ttrematic and bicultural knowledge.
  3. Translation knowledge: is knowledge of the principles guiding translation as a process.
  4. Instrumental: comprises the knowledge required to work as a professional translator.
  5. Strategic: integrates all the others.