The history of information technology is divided in four ages: pre-mechanical, mechanical, electromechanical and electronic.
The pre-mechanical age goes from 3000 b.C. to 1450 a.d. During this age, all was about the writing, starting with petroglyphs, pictographs and ideographs, but the most important fact was the Sumerian cuneiform script because it was the first information system and then the Phoenicians made the first alphabet.
A second important aspect of the pre-mechanical age, was the invention of paper, with the Egyptians using papyrus in 2600 a.d. and the rice paper in China in 100 a.d., as time passed by, the paper allowed the Greeks and Egyptians to start with the first books and libraries. Finally it was the apparition of the numeric system in India in 100a.d. which marked this age.
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