Because of the increasingly demand of expert linguists on the society, which has been highlighted in the Paris Declaration where it was released a stratement highlighting the "global shortage of quealified linguists" and warning that it could happend that "international prnagisations will be unable to perfom their vital tasks" if this isn't take as a serious thing. So to fight against this problem, we need to bring a carefully training to our translators and interpreters, enabling them to "bridge the gap between the theoretical leaning in the form of the instruction of the calssroom and the real-life application of the knowledge in thework environment".
Using ICT for expert linguistis and training resoruces:
Learners learn by doing, but for the experience to be valid, it is essential to learn in context which needs to be authentic. Also, a big amount of researchers and teachers hace accepted that the computer can provide an alternatice to real-life setting, and that technology can be used without sacrificing the authentic context to learn. Other researches have that training materials are needed to be prodeuced in formats which make them easily transferable and accesible, but the programmes must be foces on professional practice and cooperative constructive work as to be essential to place the interactive multimedia resource in a social context.
Empowering students and fostering team-work and professional skills:
Scientists have indentified two different learning styles: learners who apprehend the process (active doers) and those who are "reflective watchers", but those two refines the pattern into four types of learners: learner-reflectors, learner-theorists, lerners-pragmatists and learners-activists which correpond to different points that gives the linguists the needed to design and ensure all types of learner can engage with the tasks in hand by ICT facilities.
Which those four types of leraners, we can make a good team for example in the use of a wiki tool, which make learners play different roles and consider different perspective, complementing and interchanging the knowledge and the cosmovision of everyone of the members on the team.
Enabling a reflexive and critical learning experience:
For the learning process to be complete, it is needed to incorporate the reflectin, articulation and integrated assesment in which ICT can contribute. The reflexive and critical dimension, which will foster flexibility and an awareness of preofessional skills in expert linguists; we can also find that access to professional booths of ICT is limited during the training of linguists but it is needed to keep the skills of the translators and interpreters up. So to this, ICT have a clearly place in expert linguists training programmes, but there are still issues that lies in the students by themselves.
Your blog is nice, but try to summarize the information to make it easy to read and understand. :)